Minimize board activity outside of scheduled meetings and working sessions. Allow the manager time to complete the action items and collect the information required by the Board to make informed decisions. Constant dialogue outside of meetings consumes time, creates confusion, and causes burnout for both the manager and volunteer Board members. Exchanging occasional emails is a practical way to discuss an issue outside of a meeting. However, don’t abuse email and make a habit of using this forum.
- Working sessions. When there are complex items for discussion and review, holding a working session is a constructive method to allow for focused conversation on a specific topic. If the working session is held in advance of the Board meeting, questions and requests for clarification may be obtained prior to the Board meeting, so a decision can be made with minimal follow-up.
- Special sessions to speak to Board members. Having a special session or town hall meeting is another way to allow residents a chance to be heard and have their questions answered, especially if their schedules do not allow for them to attend regularly scheduled Board meetings. Meet in the clubhouse or at a nearby location to give residents a chance to chat with a Board member without consuming regular Board meeting time. Set time limits on this session, as well, so that it doesn’t turn into an all-day event.
The secret to a successful Board is finding those methods that best suit your members and Association. Too often, Boards get stuck in one way doing things. If your methods seem inefficient, don’t be afraid to change it up.