How to Navigate Emails More Productively

How many emails a day do you get??? Do the subject lines read like these?
The big event is approaching. Contract attached.
(No subject)

The sheer volume of email received daily can take precious time to manage. The process becomes more daunting if communication is unclear, ambiguous, or unnecessary. Discerning exactly what needs to be known and responded to require our attention and focus.

Here are some helpful tips to save time and be more effective:

Use the subject line to state a clear purpose and improve email response time. The subject line should reflect the current topic, purpose or desired outcome. When responding to an email change the subject line to make it current and clear. Consider using some of the following standard email subject lines:

•Action Required – DATE
•FYI –
•Update: TOPIC
•Reply by – DATE
•NRN – No response needed
•EOM – End of message. For a short, simple message to convey, type the message in the subject line, and put EOM at the end. This informs the recipient there’s no need to open email.

Craft more effective messages. Create effective email messages that are understood and do not require multiple back and forth emails to clarify.
•Who needs to respond, take action, or make a decision about this information? Put their names in the “To:” line. Who needs to only be kept in the loop? Put their names in the “CC:” line.
•Why do they need to know this information?
•What is the purpose of the email? What are the main points/key facts?
•How do you want to be responded to? State how, when, and what kind of response you expect. Be straightforward.

Try these tips and see if they work for you!