
Avoid the Scam!

Courtesy of Hindman Sanchez, Hammersmith Management has become aware of a current scam being perpetuated on owners in community associations. This scam takes place in the form of a mailing which owners receive indicating that

New Vision Statement

The team at HMI has been working on new strategies to add extra value to the communities we serve. In addition, we are taking steps toward internal reorganization as we plan for growth. At a recent executive retreat, our

Change and Planning for Growth

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” - Winston Churchill Countries, leaders, businesses, and people need to change and grow in order to improve. Change is often frightening, and requires

Stop the Presses

In today's multi-media world, it's easy to catch the attention of many with pictures or video. If these photos or videos happen to involve a problem within a homeowners association, it's also easy to catch

Stay Cool and Save Energy during the Summer

Energy bills—like the temperature—always rise in the summer. But there are many inexpensive, energy-saving steps you can take to save money. (As always, be sure to consult with the association to get approval for any major home renovations.) Turn


The professionals of Hammersmith Management, Inc. have been dedicated to the advancement of quality living Communities in Colorado for more than 36 years. We pride ourselves on working with Homeowners Association Boards and Homeowners in order to provide personalized and hands-on management benefits.

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