homeowner’s association

Kindness in Your Community

In honor of World Kindness Day, here is a little post on how to spread kindness in your Communities! With the holidays fast approaching, it is important to keep in mind the reason for the season. For some this means cooking big meals with lots of tasty treats and for others it means weekend trips

2014 Coats for Colorado

Thank You to all Hammersmith team members and clients for all your donations to Coats for Colorado. We collected over 150 warm coats for those in need and Lifestyle Services dropped them off today. There is still time for you to donate at any Dependable Cleaners.        

Board Meeting to BBQ For most, the work-

From Board Meeting to BBQ For most, the work-life balancing act leaves little time to build community. However, community associations have a built in infrastructure to help promote socializing beyond the board meeting. With social media, we live in an atmosphere where personal interaction is no longer necessary to stay connected. This makes it harder

How Do You Grade Your HOA?

Community Associations Institute recently released their 2014 National Research by Public Opinion Strategies. The findings again affirm what surveys have been telling us for the last 10 years - most residents are very satisfied, dare we even say happy, with their community association experience. The misconception about common interest communities stems from a) Selective media coverage. Often

Vendor Relationships – Part 1 – Familiarity

Hammersmith is pleased to have another article published in the Community Associations Institute (CAI) Rocky Mountain Chapter magazine, Common Interests. Our latest article discusses the value of Vendor Relationships. In the first part of our three part blog series we will discuss Familiarity. In our personal lives, we often visit the same barber, shop at the same

Governing by Representation

Community associations are a representative form of government founded on the principle of elected individuals representing the people. Much of our country is based on the principles of representative democracy. It starts with organizations like community associations and progresses through our schools boards, city governments, county governments, state governments—all the way to the federal government.

For Manager Licensing the Time is Now

Over the last few years, the subject of licensing for Community Managers has been a “hot topic” – both nationally and on the local level. Hammersmith Management has long been a proponent of licensing, believing that every association deserves to be represented by educated, experienced, and professional Community Managers who have invested in their careers.

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