community manager

Manager Licensing Hearing

Yesterday Hammersmith Management, as well as one of our partners, HindmanSanchez, attended a hearing regarding manager licensing. Hammersmith requires our managers to obtain licenses, and encourages continuing education to increase their depth of knowledge. Please visit our website to find out more about the successful training programs Hammersmith Management provides . ‪#‎HindmanSanchez‬ ‪#‎CommunityManager‬ ‪#‎CommunityManagerLicensing‬‪#‎HammersmithManagement‬ ‪#‎CAI‬

Please Welcome Our Newest Community Management Team!

Congratulations to our new Community Management Team! Please congratulate our new outstanding team members! Hammersmith Management strongly believes in the value of educating our team members to prepare for successful partnerships with our Community Associations. Our new managers attend over a month of intensive training and testing in all areas of Association Management, from business

2014 Coats for Colorado

Thank You to all Hammersmith team members and clients for all your donations to Coats for Colorado. We collected over 150 warm coats for those in need and Lifestyle Services dropped them off today. There is still time for you to donate at any Dependable Cleaners.        

Board Meeting to BBQ For most, the work-

From Board Meeting to BBQ For most, the work-life balancing act leaves little time to build community. However, community associations have a built in infrastructure to help promote socializing beyond the board meeting. With social media, we live in an atmosphere where personal interaction is no longer necessary to stay connected. This makes it harder

How Do You Grade Your HOA?

Community Associations Institute recently released their 2014 National Research by Public Opinion Strategies. The findings again affirm what surveys have been telling us for the last 10 years - most residents are very satisfied, dare we even say happy, with their community association experience. The misconception about common interest communities stems from a) Selective media coverage. Often

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