
Hammersmith Management is committed to partnering with non-profits. At the beginning of 2013, the company created a Philanthropic Committee which it can look to for guidance when making decisions regarding philanthropic endeavors. The mission for the committee was to select four different non-profit organizations, and support one each quarter throughout the year.

In the First Quarter, Hammersmith and the newly formed Philanthropic Task Force chose to support the Rocky Mountain Children’s Health Foundation (RMCHF). Hammersmith raised funds with a “matching money” campaign at the Quarterly Meeting, and HMI team members donated $1,240, which became $2,480 when matched by Hammersmith. All proceeds went towards the purchase of new books for the Rocky Mountain Children’s Hospital Library.

Luanne Williams, RMCHF Executive Director, thanked Hammersmith for the donation saying, “This will be very beneficial to the patients, as well as their families and siblings who are also able to use the library and books during their stay.” Program Manager Lee Shaughnessy added, “It’s just another way to make care better for the kids, while at the same time encouraging early literacy.”

The Denver Rescue Mission was chosen as Hammersmith’s Second Quarter non-profit recipient. HMI team members supported the Denver Rescue Mission by volunteering time to prepare and serve meals to Denver’s homeless.

Twenty-five Hammersmith employees volunteered throughout a Saturday, which was divided up into three shifts. Close to 1,000 meals were served that day and Hammersmith’s efforts saved the Mission $2,500 in payroll. This endeavor may have been the most rewarding for those involved, as several team members offered thoughts about their time volunteering:

“It was an eye-opener. They are very organized and everyone there was a pleasure to work with.”

“It was difficult to see the stark face of poverty when I live in a world of such abundance. I think the Rescue Mission serves hope as much as they do food.”

“It was a very special night for my family. We laughed a lot and really felt good about what we were doing. It was rewarding and eye-opening because many of the ‘homeless’ seemed like regular people that you would know.”

“My family continued to say how good it felt to give back to the community and help out in such an important way. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to represent Hammersmith!”

For the Third Quarter, Project Angel Heart was selected to receive a food and monetary donation. Hammersmith team members collected over 60 boxes of cereal and granola bars, over 50 pounds of walnuts, pecans, almonds, and baking chocolate, over 20 pounds of fruit, as well as dish towels, Ziploc baggies, and almost $1,000 in cash.

“We are just so grateful and thankful for Hammersmith’s support, especially during this holiday season,” said Jessica Milnes, Development Manager for Project Angel Heart. “The food donations and volunteer efforts are what make this operation so successful. About one-third of our food is donated and almost 300 volunteers a week help support our 25 full-time employees.”

Project Angel Heart’s mission is to deliver nutritious meals to improve the quality of life, at no cost, for those coping with life-threatening illness. They serve a 750-square mile region of metro-Denver and also a 95-square mile region in Colorado Springs. Project Angel Heart serves an estimated 1,000 clients each week.

The Philanthropic Committee closed the year by supporting Rocky Mountain Honor Flight in the Fourth Quarter. Hammersmith once again raised funds with a “matching money” campaign. HMI team members raised $1,000 and Hammersmith matched that $1,000. The $2,000 donation will enable two World War II Veterans to fly to Washington D.C. and visit the World War II Memorial.

“This money helps immensely as we plan our fights to Washington D.C. for 2014,” said Mary Haddon, President of Rocky Mountain Honor Flight, “These donations go directly to the flight and overnight accommodations for sending Veterans to Washington D.C. and with Hammersmith’s contributions, two more Vets will get to see the World War II Memorial.”

If you would like to learn more about Hammersmith’s philanthropic endeavors, or to get involved, visit Hammersmith’s philanthropic website at!