Executive Insights Article – Investment in Growth
Curious about the history of Hammersmith Management, and all of the work John Hammersmith put into his community association management business? CAI recently published an Executive Insights article explaining how a small family business went from providing
Springtime Walkthrough
As the weather turns from the cold of winter to the sunny days of spring, it is the perfect time to walk your community and note what, if any, work needs to be done to
Board Meeting Therapy – Meeting Efficiency
Disorganized and inefficient meetings represent one of the biggest challenges for HOA Boards. The monthly Board meeting should last no more than two hours, and the most productive meetings stay on a pace with an agenda.
Spring Maintenance – Increasing Your Home’s Value
Spring is here! With spring officially beginning on March 20th, it is the perfect time for homeowners to think about getting to those cleaning, maintenance, or improvement projects that sat idle all winter long. A house is
Homeowner Contractor Connection
With spring right around the corner, homeowners may be contemplating doing that home repair that has been left unattended all winter. If this repair is not covered by your Association, you may be wondering where to start
Keeping the Peace – Third Party Intervention (Part 5)
As we wrap up our series on Keeping the Peace in your community association, it seems that no matter how much effort is put into resolving conflicts peacefully or preemptive measures taken to welcome new
The professionals of Hammersmith Management, Inc. have been dedicated to the advancement of quality living Communities in Colorado for more than 36 years. We pride ourselves on working with Homeowners Association Boards and Homeowners in order to provide personalized and hands-on management benefits.