Manager Licensing Hearing

Yesterday Hammersmith Management, as well as one of our partners, HindmanSanchez, attended a hearing regarding manager licensing. Hammersmith requires our managers to obtain licenses, and encourages continuing education to increase their depth of knowledge. Please visit our website to find out more about the successful training programs Hammersmith Management provides . ‪#‎HindmanSanchez‬ ‪#‎CommunityManager‬ ‪#‎CommunityManagerLicensing‬‪#‎HammersmithManagement‬ ‪#‎CAI‬

Matt Williams Appointed to Colorado Legislative Action Committee

Please congratulate Matt Williams, he has been appointed to serve on CLAC-the Colorado Legislation Action Committee. The CAI Colorado Legislative Action Committee (CAI CLAC), a committee of CAI, is the official voice with legislators and regulators in Colorado. CAI CLAC exists to speak with one voice on legislative and regulatory matters that affect community associations,

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