The Speed of Business

As the community association management industry continues to evolve and be impacted by laws and legislation, you can't help but notice how fast things change. Which is why the theme of this year's CAI's Spring Showcase was "Staying Ahead of the Curve". At the showcase CAI invited Derek Daly, a Hall of Fame Formula One race car driver, to speak

Executive Insights Article – Investment in Growth

Curious about the history of Hammersmith Management, and all of the work John Hammersmith put into his community association management business? CAI recently published an Executive Insights article explaining how a small family business went from providing computerized accounting services to Leaders in Community Management®. Follow the link here CAI Executive Insights for the full article. Enjoy!

Colorado Legislation – Transfer Fees

A week into the 2014 legislative session in Colorado and there’s already noise being made on the HOA front. Representative Jeanne Labuda (D-Denver) has informed CAI’s Colorado Legislative Action Committee that she has decided to proceed with the introduction of a bill that would regulate the transfer fees which management companies and managers may charge

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